Grouts & Concrete Repair
SmartNS Grout GP (HDB Approved)
High Fluidity Non-Shrink Grout Grade 40
Smart NS Grout GP specially designed for use in critical application requiring controlled and precise expansion of the grout. It contain graded sand, cement and an expansive agent. With high flowability and non-staining characteristics, SmartNS Grout GP is the ideal product for all types of grouting needs. SmartNS Grout GP is extremely flowable for gap widths of 10 to 100mm. When cured, it is similar in appearance to concrete.
PACKING: 25Kg & 77bags/pallet
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- Smart NS Grout GP is used for free-flow, positive expansion grouting in a wide range of applications.
- Structural building members such as precast wall panels, beams and columns, post tensioned girder
- Hand rails
- Partitions
- Anchor bolts
- Base plates and Bridge bearing plate
- Machine bases of all type
- Pressure grouting and Concrete repairs
- Precise, positive expansion
- Suitable for pumping or pouring over a large ranges of application consistencies and temperatures
- High early strength
- Excellent initial flow and flow retention
- Non-staining natural aggregate
- Chloride free
- No segregation